Thursday, December 17, 2009

Winter Wonderland at SCP

The kids have been having a great time with wintery projects here at coop this month. Lots of ice castles are being built:
"snow" being played with:
holiday books being read, and trees being decorated:
and so much more!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Winter Celebration!

I know I'm not the only one who was camera happy at our winter celebration this year, so if you too took some great shots you'd like to share, you should do so over at our facebook page! Here is a slide show of mine:

What a wonderful winter celebration!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Costume Fun

We had such a wild good time in the Imagineers class today! A number of the kids decided to pop into costumes and it resulted in quite a show. Here is the picture evidence:
Ivy as "Princess Esmerelda" (she had no idea she was meant to be "Snow White")
Teacher Patty burying a bunch of wild creatures:
The wild creatures burying Teacher Patty:
Ah, she awakes!
Claire Raccoon and her ice castle creation:
Snacking wild creatures:
What wild fun indeed!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

An Afternoon Spent with Friends

One of the perks of becoming an Inventor is you get two new friends in your classroom. Clopsy and Mopsy. Clopsy and Mopsy are horses, a horse backback and horse puppet to be presise. Whoever is the VIP for the day gets to bring Clopsy and Mopsy home to spend the night, and return the next preschool day. The kids love spending time with Clopsy and Mopsy. Or at least my kid does. Everything that day was more fun because she could share it with them. Clopsy and Mopsy apparently like Legos and playing store, but they do not like salad, not with dressing. And my normally camera-shy little girl was constantly requesting “Mom, take a picture of me and Clopsy and Mopsy playing cards,” “Mom, take a picture of me and Clopsy and Mopsy eating snack,” and “Mom, take a picture of me and Clopsy and Mopsy reading a book!” Before their return to school, the child gets to dictate what Clopsy and Mopsy did for mom or dad to write down in Clopsy’s journal, which Teacher Patty reads the next day during circle time. The kids love this special time, and it’s a great introduction to bringing things home from school and remembering to bring them back.
~Emily Kelton, Inventor Mom

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fire Fightin' Fun!

The Imagineers dudded their fire fighter gear over at the Shoreline Fire Department Fire Safety Center and learned all about fire safety. The kids were quite attentive to the fire safety video the educator showed. They learned that the fire alarm is like a nose that sniffs smoke, to roll out of bed if it goes off at night, get low and crawl to one of two exits, how to test the door for heat, yell for help at the window if necessary, not hide from the firefighter, once outside get to a safe meeting place, and also how to dial 911. Of course, they also learned how fun it is to sit up in the truck and slide down the fire staion pole!(She's not an Imagineer yet, but H, like many of our other little siblings had a great time today too!)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloweeny Fun for Imagineers

We've had a fun time at SCP the last few weeks doing lots of Halloweeny activites:
hammering nails in pumpkins, driving monster trucks around the "pumpkin patch", "cooking" Halloween cookies, painting, stamping, drawing on, stickering and more on paper pumpkin, making marble painted spider webs, reading all sorts of Halloweeny books, singing and saying Halloween songs and rhymes, and dressing up! Here are a few photos:

Carnival Fun!

A wonderful time was had by all! Here's a recap in pics:

(feel free to send on any more you might have)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Welcome Chewy!

We are happy to welcome the newest pet visitor to our class, the lovely "Chewy" the tarantula. Chewbacca is Lisa and Zoe Good-Brummer's golden knee tarantula. She likes her warm and slightly dark home, and we need to be sure that the kids be respectful and not tap on her cage, which is over on the science counter. I love Teacher Patty's comment, "So, take a deep breath and wonder at the diversity of life!"

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ooo, we're on FB too!

In case you want to be our "friend" you can find us over on FB too! Plus there we can post video, pictures, and invite grandparents and alumni to be our friends too. Spread the word!

Monday, October 19, 2009

It's Carnival Time!

Woooey! The carnival is THIS weekend (in case you somehow missed that) and that means if you are a SCP parent you need to
get those raffle tickets in,
donate those auction items,
get that costume all dusted off,
and be ready for set up Friday
and have FUN on Saturday!
Yee ha!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Imagineers at the Farm

We had a wildly good time at The Farm today. Some highlights:
Look the tractor!Running like banshees through the hay maze:
and waiting excitedly for our turns on the slide:
Viewing and petting the animals:
The cozy hayride:
Slip slidin' away:
Jumping in the hay:
Crawling around in the corn:
And of course, gathering pumpkins!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Keegan's dad from Discoverers here. Just got the keys to this blog, and I'll do my best to post way more often than never. With photos, even!

Since this is my first post, here's a pic from our first day as Discoverers, back on September 11th. Teacher Patty blows the best bubbles.

Keegan's First Day of Preschool - 8

More soon!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Inspried by Brazell

In what ways did you change the way you played, talked, questioned, or observed your child after seeing Greg Brazell speak at our parent meeting?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Imagineers in Action this September

These funny Imagineers have been enjoying preschool, can you tell?They are learning so much everyday here at school!
It's tiring though, all this play!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Welcome/Welcome Back!

It's back to school time and we are all so thrilled to be starting off another wonderful school year! Tonight was our big parent orientation meeting, and I for one loved seeing the new and old faces of our preschool family. I'm so jazzed, I'm up posting, and preschool doesn't even start until next week (that's the teacher in me...;))! Though don't forget tomorrow and Friday are set up days at school, and Friday is our fun All School Picnic, hope to see you there!
Cedella (new little sis to Andre, an Imagineer) is ready for some preschool fun too!

Auction Update!

Check out THIS page to see all the awesome items we already have to auction off at the Carnival this year! I know what I'm bidding for, how about you?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Review it Up Folks!

Hey there! If you are a member of our preschool and would like to help spread the word about how wonderful our preschool is, consider going on one of the many sites out there for online reviews, and submitting your review of SCP.
Here are some spots:

Shoreline and Edmonds Kids

Go City Kids


Thursday, July 9, 2009


Welcome to the Shoreline Cooperative Preschool Blog!
Here you will find all you need or wanted to know about joining, or being a member of the greatest cooperative preschool on earth!