Thursday, December 17, 2009

Winter Wonderland at SCP

The kids have been having a great time with wintery projects here at coop this month. Lots of ice castles are being built:
"snow" being played with:
holiday books being read, and trees being decorated:
and so much more!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Winter Celebration!

I know I'm not the only one who was camera happy at our winter celebration this year, so if you too took some great shots you'd like to share, you should do so over at our facebook page! Here is a slide show of mine:

What a wonderful winter celebration!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Costume Fun

We had such a wild good time in the Imagineers class today! A number of the kids decided to pop into costumes and it resulted in quite a show. Here is the picture evidence:
Ivy as "Princess Esmerelda" (she had no idea she was meant to be "Snow White")
Teacher Patty burying a bunch of wild creatures:
The wild creatures burying Teacher Patty:
Ah, she awakes!
Claire Raccoon and her ice castle creation:
Snacking wild creatures:
What wild fun indeed!